The Services


Although our specialism is brand identity design, we can offer other services to give you a more comprehensive branding package.

Brand Strategy

We work with brands to help clarify their purpose, find their voice, understand their customers, and define their goals.

Strategy is a plan that uses a set of tactics to achieve a business goal, often by outmanoeuvring competitors.

We cover an in depth analysis of customer by creating profiles and understanding problems they face and offer and solutions. We tie this in with what your business stands for by defining your brand purpose, attributes, values, voice and define your goals in a ready to execute action plan.

See example projects: simplecall & #0f development

Brand Design

We build brands that inspire. Branding is about expressing a company’s personality and values, building a comprehensive and consistent experience that resonates with customers and nurtures lasting relationships.

This area includes is logo and identity system, naming and messaging, brand guidelines, marketing and brand collateral, branded environments.

Have a look at this example project


The process involves creating user profiles that represent a brands target markets, then mapping out varying scenarios in how those profiles may interact with a brand. The advantage of this process is that you’re uncovering customer interactions that helps is predict needs and reveal insights into their behaviour.


Segmentation is a powerful tool for discovering customer needs and the potential for growth. It involves examining behaviours, motivations, desires and frustrations of specific customer groups, so unfulfilled needs can be identified and turned into a competitive advantage.


Brand attributes are the characteristics that describe its personality, functionality and physical traits through imagery, language and actions. Ultimately, they are what helps us to identify with a brand and relate to it.

This part of strategy looks at the company culture, values, what makes your brand unique and special, your brand voice and feelings; how you, as a brand, want your audience to feel.


Positioning is the stage of the brand strategy where all the preliminary hard work begins to take shape. Positioning defines what a brand is, its benefits, its competitive advantages and most importantly, what it all means to the target market.

Your brand position hones and establishes the emotional connection with your customers and how your brand will ultimately be perceived against your competition.


Now is the time to pull together an actionable marketing to-do list, with all your goals listed, prioritised and cross referenced with priority and budget. This will create order in your branding findings and start formulating your strategy.

Depending on your needs as a business you may find that your strategy needs to include extra components to cover all bases:


Stylescapes; a landscape of 3 possible styles. This is where we translate our written brand strategy into the design that’s going to emulate the essence of your brand.

Our approach is to create three possible design routes, which consist of a system of design elements. These are essentially a design recipe of colours, fonts, photography and illustration styles that bridge strategy with logo and brand identity.

This design work will set the tone of your brand and can create a powerful emotional connection with the consumer, so it’s important to get this spot on.


How are you going to speak to your customers? What language is used and in what tone of voice? Language can define a brand as much as visual aesthetics. This is the catalyst for creating that all-important emotional connection with your customers that will let your strategically-created personality shine through and cement your brand in their minds.

From naming to articulating positioning and brand promise we can help amplify the verbal identity for your brand.


We work collaboratively to create the most truthful, compelling, and beautiful image of your brand. Supported by diligent research and fearless iteration, we explore many possibilities before arriving at a comprehensive and versatile identity system.

Have a look at this example project


Consistency drives the power and integrity of a brand. We bulletproof your brand by creating logo specifications and guidelines for typography, color, iconography, image style and usage, and more. This ensures that anyone can apply your brand assets correctly and consistently.

Have a look at this example project


It is frustrating to have spent a lot of time and effort defining and visualising your brand only to loose the essence when the brand is translated into digital format.

For this reason we offer brand digital guidelines and web/app templates ready to pass to UX & UI professionals to ensure your branding is consistent in digital format as well as in the real world.

Have a look at this example project


You have the branding done but how do you translate this into an environment in the real world?

We consult on suggested materials best suited for your brands and can work in a collaborative way with interior experts advising from the brand guidelines we have created for you.

Have a look at this example project


How do your customers engage with your brand? Through advertising? Printed matter? Social media? We can help amplify your voice by translating your brand to an infinite array of print or digital, that can grow with you and remain authentic in a multitude of touch points.

Have a look at this example project